HomeAssortments → Cold Hardy Assortment
This collection of breeds is known to be cold hardy, so if you live in an area where the winters can be harsher. This assortment is perfect for you.
Cold Hardy Day-old Chick Assortment Unsexed30.75
Assortment of Eggs from Cold Hardy Breeds
In stock: 10
The breeds that can be added in this assortment are breeds that are known to be cold hardy. This can be due to their country of origin, the presence of feathers on the legs and/or a beard, the size of their comb, and if they have black skin due to the fibromelanistic gene. For a complete list of breeds that can be included in this assortment please view our Cold Hardy web page by visiting this link - Cold Hardy Breeds . You can also view the images on this page to see the breeds you MAY get. Every time we pack assortments they are packed differently, as the way we pack each order will depend on the current egg production or the hatch.

The price you see on this page is the price per day-old chick or hatching egg. You can add as many chicks or eggs as you'd like or as few as 1 from this assortment to your cart. If you purchase between 1 to 3 eggs or chicks from this assortment we guarantee that you will receive 1 breed. If you purchase 4 or 5 eggs or chicks from this assortment then we guarantee that you will receive at least 2 breeds. If you purchase 6 or more eggs or chicks from this assortment, we guarantee that you will receive at least 4 different breeds. We will do our absolute best to include as much variety as possible.

Feel free to mix and match breeds or assortments to reach our 6-chick shipping minimum.